Spring Fishing Report
Big Tarpon
It’s starting to heat up down here in the Keys and so is the fishing. We are starting to see our first waves of big migratory tarpon. They are filling in their normal locations and we have been targeting them with both live bait and on fly. I almost forgot how exciting it is watching those dinosaurs roll around and go ballistic once hooked. It’s going to be a great season.
Baby Tarpon
Juvenile tarpon are starting come out of the woodwork as well. This time of year they usually take a back seat to the big boys and girls in town. But when late summer and fall roll around we will change gears and start hammering the baby poons.

On par for the last couple years were are still seeing big numbers of bonefish around. What was once a summer/fall time fishery has turned into a year round target here in Key West. We have been catching them on both fly and spinning gear in the shallows. They are probably the most “user friendly” of the big three which makes them a great target to fish for. A properly presented fly or shrimp rarely gets turned down.
Permit Fishing
And a crowd favorite of hardcore flats anglers across the globe, the permit. Sight fishing these guys in the shallows can lead to a very unhealthy addiction of permit fever! Way better than any other sickness going around at the moment… Permit fishing has been great these last couple weeks. We should start seeing them getting ready to go offshore for their annual spawn any day now. If you don’t already know our permit here in Key West go to the reef and spawn in the month of April. Sometimes they go a little early or leave a little late depending on conditions. If you want to challenge yourself as an angler there is no better target.
Fly Fishing
Chucking flies on the old buggy whip has been great down here as of late. There are an endless number of species to target depending on the conditions and we have been getting into all types of stuff on fly. Bonefish, permit, tarpon, barracudas, jacks, sharks you name it. We have been tailoring our fly fishing trips around the anglers skill level and having a lot of fun.
I had a couple spring dates open due to cancellations and summer/fall will start filling up soon. Give me a shout if you want to plan a fishing trip down here in beautiful Key West!